Well, I see that you are back... Was my last post actually interesting or are you just bored ?? Playing around on the internet ??

So today I would like to talk about a baby's perception of " PLAY ". You could say " come on, it's just a baby. It can't even speak, let alone knowing about " PLAY ". " But that exactly is my point.

Whenever we see a baby, we immediately want to make it laugh or catch its attention. Its basic human nature. We are attracted to the innocence of someone who only recognizes visual interactions. We try to play the most common and effective game with them - The " Peek a Boo ". A baby doesn't recognize sometimes if it's mother is calling him but as soon as you do the whole " Peek a Boo " routine in front of it, more often than not it brings a smile to it's face. Also, for a baby anything is a toy. You must have noticed, if a baby is crying and you hand him anything that makes some kind of noise or moves, it immediately forgets everything else and becomes engrossed in it. Isn't that the definition of sports ?? You have to concentrate and be interested in whatever sport in the world you are playing, in order to excel in it and enjoy it.

We begin to grasp the concept of PLAY since the very beginning and slowly as we grow up, our conception of PLAY changes, to more suite our personality.For a baby anything in the world is a means of entertainment ( mostly by putting it in the mouth ), but it's the concept of PLAY or distraction that it understands the most easily.

Hope you didn't go to sleep like a baby there ( pun intended :D ). I will write again next week and will discuss the gradual change in the concept of PLAY as we grow up.

Till then " May the force be with you. "

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